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Hi, I'm Kat Roberts

I'm a Business Consultant & Life Coach here to help you create a business and life you love, because when you're at your best, so is your business!

Kat Roberts

Business & Life Coach

Balance isn't found, it's created – balancing your business and your life is the key to your success

My coaching focuses on achieving success through strategic planning, organisation, and embracing your unique qualities. My approach is personalised to your life / business, circumstances, and goals, it's not a one size fits all solution. I'm committed to delivering tangible results that you can apply in your business and life.

If you are looking for help in your business, lets chat!

Kat Roberts

Want to work with me?

Email me at kat@modowest.com or call / text

+64 21 673 552
My usual business hours are 9am - 3pm
Leave a message & I will be back in touch ASAP
  • 28 Te Heuheu Street
    Taupō, 3330.
  • +64 21 673 552
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